
I am proficient with the Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut, camera and audio operation, Celtx, DCP-o-matic and Google Drive. 


Balancing Act February 2019 - Current

I serve as an editor for this advice podcast for up and coming lawyers hosted by Claire Tralle and Liz Chermack.

A Show In The Woods October 2018 - Current

A Show In The Woods is a variety show that I film, edit, write, and host.

Small Town Wisconsin                                                    July- August 2018

I served as a production assistant during the making of this feature film.  I organized production aspects, including the security around set daily, and assisting in communications between the cast and crew.


Sea of Green                                                                      May - September 2018

I shot and edited a nineteen part video tutorial series. These videos were designed to teach amateur gardeners how to develop their own urban farms.


Doc-UWM                                                                         2017-2018

While working for this non-profit subsidiary of the UWM system, I helped edit and produce several videos and films for local clients like Voyageur Book Shop, The ACLU of Wisconsin and the late photographer Art Shay.


Milwaukee Underground Film Festival                       January - April 2018

As a staff member of the Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, I assisted in raising funds and marketing as well as organizing the events of the festival.


Twin Cities Film Festival and Milwaukee Film Festival Volunteer         July - October 2016

As a volunteer for these film festivals I helped contact potential donors, assisted in setting up and providing hospitality for festival events.



University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee                                         2014-2018

I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in film with a minor in theatre and graduated with honors. G.P.A 3.8

(References can be sent on request.)